Nutty Choc Chip Cookies

Friday, May 7, 2010

My husband has a real sweet tooth. Not for the cake stuff, I now realise. I made a chocolate orange cake last month, he had 1 slice... I'm still in the process of eating the rest of the cake. I made Pineapple Apple Crumble, he took 1 bite, I finished the rest. Either he's not into cakes, or my cakes were plain lousy! And because of this, I've packed on another couple of kilos over the weeks.

But he is into Kit Kat and cookies. So I wanted to make cookies for him. Now, as I didn't want to take a gamble on whether he's going to like my cookies or not, I got a bit of help from Nona:
This cookie dough is coming out of a box! Nice picture of choc chip cookies there.

Open the box, and you get 1 plastic of powder. Hang on, where's the choc chip? This is false advertising. A misrepresentation! Lesson learnt: Unless the packet specifically mention that the box contains choc chips or the like, don't expect anything more than flour.

The powder asks for an egg and 150g of melted butter or margarine. Got both. Now for my special touch... chopped cooking chocolate and almond strips.

Mix everything together and you'll get this really nice dough.

Make little balls of the dough and place them on an ungreased baking tray and sightly press each of them down to flatten them a bit. Just remember though that the thicker you make them, the softer is the outcome. I made my cookies slightly larger and thick because, well just because I want soft cookies this time round.

Preheat the oven at 200C.

Bake the cookies in the oven for 15 minutes or until they become golden brown. 3 minutes into baking, our home smelt like the inside of a cookie jar. Yummy!

There they are: Nutty Choc Chip Cookies...stuck to each other!

  1. Need to buy larger baking tray, proper mixing bowl
  2. Will make more of these delicious cookies for Rosie, Janet & Teresa to try out. Watch out girls!


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